Easter at Ulladulla Anglican

29 March
 - 31 March, 2024
12:00 am
 - 11:59 pm
Easter at Ulladulla Anglican

Join us for Easter as we remember how Jesus died for us to have peace with God, and how He rose again to be our ever-living hope! Everyone is welcome whether you are Anglican or not; whether you’re a regular churchgoer or whether you’ve never been inside a church building—we want to invite you to come and hear about the hope and life we have in Jesus!!

Good Friday [+Communion] 9am Ulladulla // 11am Milton

Easter Day (Sunday) 9am Ulladulla // 11am Milton

Ulladulla Anglican Church


Sunday 9am or 4pm

275 Green Street, Ulladulla NSW


Sunday 11am

11 Princess Hwy, Milton NSW